Mother Blessing-way Ceremony

The Blessingway-blesses the way and the road ahead of mom. Wishing her health in her pregnancy, strength through challenges. The ceremony is calm, supportive, and holds a spiritual sacred space for mom and her support circle.
Blessingway ceremonies create a sacred a safe environment where a mother-to-be can explore the challenges and joys that lie before her as she approaches birthing and mothering. Surrounded by the most important women in her life, she gains a sense of power, confidence and support that will help her rise to motherhood.
Birth is a key passage for women. But modern culture has become so preoccupied with the arrival of the baby-to-be and has lost touch with birth’s profound impact on the expectant mother. While our most common preparations focus on getting women physically ready to give birth, the blessingway ceremony helps a woman to prepare mentally, emotionally and spiritually for the work of birthing and it opens her to her instinctive abilities, which will guide her as she steps into the role of mother.’ -Mother Rising
These ceremonies can be easily tailored to suit each mother’s spiritual preferences and to offer mom exactly what she needs on her journey.  Common aspects of this event include:
  • Introducing all the guests and listening to their blessing and prayer for mom
  • Pampering mom with foot bath, shoulder massage
  • Accepting symbolic gifts which often are turned into art or jewelry for mom to draw strength form while in labor. Some examples include: bringing beads to string on a birth necklace, each one symbolizing that woman’s blessing for mom; reading poetry or prayers, guests using the meaning of specific flowers to offer a characteristic or blessing to mom, etc.
  • Sharing positive and inspiring birth stories from guests
  • Honoring our elder women and asking for their strength